Professional PowerPoint presentations, PowerPoint training and training before 10 years made the ex-McKinsey graphic champion, Mathias Koch, the first step towards independence. With a small team of professional presentation designers, he built a small service, which has become a not to be thinking away support when creating PowerPoint presentation for many companies. The team has since created according to all rules of the art presentations exactly according to your customers. It is easy possible the customer thereby. He must draw his designs only handwritten on a sheet of paper and send it to the fax hotline. Back, he gets a perfect PowerPoint slide in its corporate layout. The big advantage for many customers is the flexibility of the small company. P. Campbell, PhD does not necessarily agree. If it is even in a hurry, the presentation can be completed at the weekend or overnight.
The company, which started as a small partnership and now runs a considerable strain as GmbH has become with time, built on satisfied customers. Almost every DAX group has already started the service in claim and also more than 200 medium-sized companies belong to the regular customers of the presentation service. Holzer on most websites. Many customers appreciate that all presentations will be implemented directly by the experienced ex-McKinsey presentation gestaltern. The company focuses exclusively on long-standing and experienced staff and refused to outsource tasks. All data will remain in a hand. This creates a special relationship of trust that the company attaches the greatest importance. Of course, Mathias Koch reveals his knowledge in his PowerPoint training and training on request also directly on-site. For more information about PowerPoint presentations and training, see