Man is a social being by nature, therefore, one of the most important things in the life of every person is his relationship with others. When that relationship is lived a full and positive way, one feels happier. However, not everyone knows to relate, there are people who really go wrong in situations that require a minimum of social skills, such as changing the place of residence, starting a new job or attend parties where it is not known to many people. If this is your problem you will help to put into practice: try to smile, since it generates an atmosphere of confidence and cordiality. Know how to listen, not to interrupt when the other person is talking. Consider that the Affairs of others are as important as their own.

Do not be carried away by premature judgments, you must know people before judging them. Medicine Research Institute if you seek more information. If you don’t have time or is a bad time to meet each other, have to express it with courtesy but without being manipulated. Trying to gain the trust of others. Know react to the behaviour of the others. For example, it is so important to express a compliment, as the form accept it properly.

Furthermore, in social skills come into play other aspects that act as Charter of presentation of how one before others feels: non-verbal components. The gaze, facial expression, smile, gestures, posture, distance, physical contact, personal appearance. Components paralinguisticos. Katz, Edmonton Alberta. The volume of the voice, intonation, fluency, clarity, speed, and speaking time. Learning social skills helps to improve self-esteem and avoid conflicts. To do this, the techniques used by the experts are: Modeling (learning by imitation), role-playing (role playing), feedback about made representation and generalization of these learnings to everyday life.