Not he is toa that Brazil faces a series of crises in the health sectors and justice. The biggest problem in the health system is in the difficulty of access to the doctors. In the same way the biggest problem in the justice system is in the difficulty of access to the lawyers and this if it applies to other segments. If a deepened study occurred more and serious the Public Power would be forced to immediately create institutions directed toward the formation of professionals in the education area, health, justice and civil construction, without disrespecting is clearly other types of superior formation, so that Brazil is considered in fact a developed Country. The Public Power cannot be hostage of this type of intervention or pressure, rank that is necessary to establish a balance enters offers and looks for. If the public service does not have conditions to take care of to all the demands is necessary to flexibilizar and to democratize the access through the support to the initiatives of the society. One of the great problems of Superior education in Brazil is in the access. Many institutions exist, however the search surpass in surplus offer existing.

Despite if it says that universities exist excessively, still it is little, in agreement already was said only 3% of the population has access. Brazil if to desire an approach of the percentages reached for Argentina will have to create a superior school in each esquina. The increase of offers generates competition and the competition in turn generates quality and low cost, without speaking in the empregabilidade of the sector. This politics would alavancaria and fortify the sector, therefore only the institutions that to offer the best proposals of education would be apt to survive in a healthful market and competititvo in search of the knowledge. Another great empecilho to hinder the access to superior education is characterized by the bureaucracy excess, established for the agencies that regulate and fiscalize the sector.