Consequently, when the same staff members can to organize more regular and quality service. Feel better about themselves and the townspeople. Automation forever rid them of "melt down" and "nedotopov, and heat meters, is an essential feature of any modern aitp, will receive a real material benefit from the rational use of heat consumed. True understanding is not all residents, however, due to meetings and seminars held by the leadership of Gatchina heating, the number being reduced in the dark. On their own experience and yet doubt the owners – not the main obstacle to the project. The fact that the housing sector, privately owned, in Gatchina small. Much of the housing stock consists here of municipal buildings.

They are not subject to the Law 185-FZ, involves the provision of state financial assistance hoa, hbc, etc. Learn more at: Dean Ornish M.D. for carrying out capital repair. Therefore, the reconstruction will require investment from the city. To demonstrate that these costs will be met, the leadership went to a show heating experiment. "At the end of 2008, we own strength made the modernization of the heating system in the building of city administration, – says Vladimir Sharabakin. Medium-to block heat point we did not have, so we collected it yourself using fixtures and energy-saving equipment Danfoss. Starting the system was conducted in December, and at the end of the heating season, we estimate that heat consumption decreased by 20%. Newcastle University will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In the money in less than a season of savings of 80,000 rubles.

This Results from a small two-story administration building. With regard to maintaining a comfortable temperature in the rooms, then the Mayor's Office employees were able to verify on their own experience. " The building of city administration and fragment of the substation, assembled by specialists dh. However, that effect has been felt in city-wide scale, a broader scope. According to experts of heating, it is necessary to reconstruct at least the most problematic buildings in dilapidated internal communications and poor balancing. This number includes 110 residential houses and 28 social infrastructure (schools, kindergartens, health clinics) located in the historic city center, where concentrated 70% of all heat consumers. "All equipment costs should be recouped within 3-4 years. For an investment project is a very good time ", – said Alexei Zinoviev, engineer, Danfoss (leading global manufacturer of energy-efficient equipment for heating and heating of buildings) to work with developers and thermal systems in the Northwest Federal District. I must say that this point view echoed today in many municipalities. For example, in neighboring Gatchina Luga is the city administration initiated the reconstruction of heating systems in the municipal sector development. Heat items instead of the elevator assemblies were established here in 119 buildings, including 114 locations – block substations Danfoss. To date, already nearing completion of commissioning. Will Russia Energy Efficiency country? It depends on the decisions taken in the field. And the above example shows is that today we have a real chance to reverse the situation. 5-7 years – significantly less than the left until 2020. A hence, the date announced by the president can not only reduce energy consumption, but also start to receive income from it. The main thing – do not delay reform indefinitely.