How you tobacco kills? Different studies that have been made in several countries, studies involving in some cases to more than one million people, it has come to establish data contributing conclusively about the ways in which kills the cigarette, or in general tobacco.In general, smokers are 20 times more likely to die as a result of a lung cancer, and 3 times more likely to die from vascular diseases, related attacks the heart, stroke and other rather diseases of blood vessels, both veins like arteries, if they are compared with people who do not smoke.In the so-called first world countries, most of the deaths associated with tobacco use are due to heart disease, specifically to coronary heart disease, i.e. the collapse and consequent impediment to pass blood through small blood vessels which feed and oxygenate the heart.Tobacco is the leading cause of emphysema, a lung disease worldwide in the you could say which it loses its elastic capacity, and is turned into a kind of rigid box that does not allow gas exchange.Similarly, tobacco is the main cause of chronic bronchitis, and is often associated with cancers in different organs such as: the stomach, pancreas, larynx, kidney, bladder, mouth, etc. For several years, many tobacco manufacturers have been selling brands of cigarettes that are said to be Light, or soft, low-tar and low-nicotine.Many smokers have the false belief that smoking these cigarettes danger less, however, it has been shown that the risk of dying prematurely from smoking has no great difference among smokers of regular cigarettes or soft, also called light cigarettes..